What is Direct Primary Care?

Direct Primary Care is a membership based practice where you pay a monthly flat fee to be a patient and that membership fee covers your visits with your doctor as many times you need with no additional charge for everything I can offer within my scope of practice.

What Services Are Included in My Membership?

Adult Physicals, Preventative Care, Sports Physicals, Wellness and Nutrition, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Chronic Medical Illnesses, Coordinating Care, EKG, Breathing Treatments, Joint Injections, Cryotherapy, Suture Simple Lacerations, Incision and Drainage and Skin Biopsy to name a few

Is the membership fee eligible for HSA or FSA reimbursement?

You may want to check with your human resources department regarding the use of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) as possible payment options for your membership. If you are unable to use these funds to pay for the membership fee directly, there is a good chance that you can still use your HSA/FSA as reimbursement for certain services provided through our office.

Is this the same as concierge medicine?

The terms are often mistakenly used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Both DPC and concierge practices charge a periodic fee, however, under the concierge model, this fee only gets you access; that is, it doesn't actually cover any of your care. Instead a concierge practice still bills insurance for your visits. Under DPC, your visits and other care are included in your fee, plus you're provided with other incredible benefits like wholesale pricing for labs and radiology studies, deeply discounted prescription prices, direct digital communication with your doctor, and all the rest.

Want to know more about Direct Primary Care?

Here’s a few articles that profile the Direct Primary Care approach to medicine:

  • FORBES: Direct Primary Care: Restoring The Doctor-Patient Relationship

  • TIME Medicine is About to Get Personal

  • US News Physicians Abandon Insurance for Blue Collar Model

  • AARP The Doctor Will See You But Not Your Insurance

  • American Academy of Family Physicians Direct Primary Care

  • WRAL Patients Pay Monthly Fee, Not Insurance Co-Pay to See Raleigh Physician

Do I keep my current health Insurance?

Yes, keep your health insurance but by finding a plan that complements your direct care memberships, most patients save more than the cost of their membership.